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Sunday, May 23, 2010

5/23/10 - KC and Thunderstorms.....

Most of you know that KC was rescued from a railroad yard by Andy when she was just a little puppy. Probably due to that, KC doesn't like loud noises - guns, fireworks, loud airplanes and thunder. Tonight we had a big thunderstorm (the kind where I tend to let out a little yelp, myself, at the big ones). We had really heavy rain off and on the whole time the last episode of Lost was on. Well, KC was very nervous - pacing from one spot to another - like she was trying to find a place to hide. I went into my computer room and right by my feet is Tica's little bed that she lies in when I am on the computer. KC followed me into my room and looked up at me so sad - I sat down and she proceeded to try to fit into Tica's little bed - she did manage to get about 1/2 of her body there and the rest on the floor - but she was ok, must feel safe there. Was really very cute. Tica was on the couch with Mark and seemed oblivious to the storm.

Daily Duluth Photo for 5/23/10

My photo was picked for the Daily Duluth Photo today. This was taken on the lakewalk last summer when TCS and his family were home. We met at Leif Erickson park and then Mom, Dad, Diane, Danielle and I walked to Canal Park where I took this photo.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Daily Photo Duluth for 5/17/10

My photo was picked! It was a beautiful summer-like weekend and the blossoms on our apple trees were just buzzing with all the bee activity. This is one I captured and entered in the Daily Photo Duluth contest and it was picked for today!

Friday, May 7, 2010

5/7/2010 - Month of May Snow!!!

We had a beautiful spring March with no snow, a fairly cool April with no snow and now, when it is supposed to be a nice warm May, we get snow!! It snowed all day!